Sunday, February 13, 2011

Carbon Dioxide Alarm Buzzing


the morning of the thirteenth cycle day enjoy my love (I call him from now on north *) and I in bed. It's Sunday, the weather is beautiful, I'm doing well yesterday after the puncture. What more could you want? I'm lying with my head on north chest, my arms wrapped tightly around I have his waist. We both look at our bedroom ceiling and talk on the subject, the moment our lives determined.

" However, during the last ICSI I felt robbed the day after the puncture." I begin.
"This time it's different. I see it as relief. I have given the responsibility. I can do today and do what I want. I have 'egg-free', "it gushes out of me happy.
"Well, how about a nice long walk after me by the sun?" Hits northern front and running.
"Very good idea. In the evening we could cook something tasty and I drink a glass of wine. "I spin on the day.
"Perhaps it is the last glass of wine for a long time. "I would add and roll my eyes conspiratorially.

connect a comfortable two minutes silence. Our thoughts seem to be the only thing moving in that moment. If we are honest, it is a Sunday only without children. I try to enjoy. Of course it does not work. I literally wish that in this peaceful moment the door opens, a screaming child or two of bed run counter to - jump on us on it, still shrieking - regardless of our privacy.

"Now is the moment an egg from me fused with a sperm from you in the incubator. "I say and cuddle me even closer to north.
"The thought alone I find it pretty crazy." I add more. North turns his face to me and smiles at me.
"Well, I think, that there are more because of the variety." Northern answers after a while and then look again at the ceiling.
"So five out of ten eggs could perhaps be ripe. Maximum of six to seven. But I'm more out of less. "I give back.
In the past treatments, many of my eggs in the collection were practically still in puberty, that is not ripe. Immature oocytes can not fertilize themselves. Such is life.
"The main thing is to develop three beautiful embryos for transfer tomorrow. If more can be frozen for a cryogenic experiment, it would of course been done perfectly. "I think about loud and lose myself again in an endless beige of the ceiling. During my last attempt thirteen eggs were collected. Six of oocytes were mature. Four of them have allowed themselves only fertilize.
"Certainly there will be little more than three embryos." I conclude from the theory of probability and hope again that it be at all three embryos. A small knot grief laced together in the area of my stomach. Fortunately, my dearest place in these Moments are the right words:
"We should hang a picture on the bedroom ceiling." He says and smiles at me.

It was a beautiful Sunday.


* Germanic god of navigation, of the richness and fertility.


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