Saturday, February 12, 2011

How Long Will Green Gas Last

donations without a receipt

are 9 clock in the morning on the 12th day of the cycle. I slept very well. It is already my third puncture today, so no reason for alarm. We sit in the fertility clinic and both wait out the crème de la crème of our genetic material to be delivered to the laboratory. I fill only just from the anesthesia, while the lack of my love SIGNING IT. "This is your consent for the implementation of ICSI. And here, please sign yet that you want to have three Embryos back here ...", and pray the lady down from managing the procedure.

"So, come with me now please!" Reads the bold call the assistant to my husband you know. I know it. And he knows it, of course. My husband is masturbating now. That's part of fertility treatment. But at least it's for a good cause! There is an extra for this furnished room in which to consume an adult or an adult video magazine to on a Saturday morning at 9:30 to get a little in the mood. Until now it has always worked! We provide fast nor too short a farewell kiss, then my husband away. By the rest I must be alone.

The routine calms and scares me at the same time. I know how everything goes. I know the area where the puncture occurs, and the recovery room and the biscuits you get there. Also in the business process, in which I am now turn, there are no surprises. On the forms, there is room for four signatures: 1 Experiment, 2 Experiment, 3 Test and 4 Attempt. "Probably the forms from the days when health insurance does support four treatments have. ", I think. In line one, two and three now is my signature." It is the last attempt, it shoots me once through the head and suddenly nothing is routine.

welcomes the operating room me nice anesthesiologist, with whom I have yesterday out the telephone preliminary. I take off untenrum and put my underwear last on the clothes pile. underpants is to me later, while I am still under anesthesia, dressed again. It is a fragrance of Frangipani in the air. To sweeten the Doc the weekends, I have trimmed my pubic hair a little and oiled my thighs with Frangipanibutter. I'll probably never know if he likes the scent of these beautiful flowers actually.

This time I sit through that it pierces my Paradevene on my right arm for the anesthetic. Last time you took in spite of my protest his left arm and immediately I woke up with a significant hematoma from the anesthesia. "Doctor planting progress, the patient in the operating room 2 is ready for the puncture." is the assistant for a house now known speakers, listen to the only doctors. When my Doc enters the operating room, I'm still awake and he asks me how I feel. Of what I answered, I can not remember.

You wake up only really on after you're already running a few yards with Untrstützung the anesthesiologist and PACU. There, waiting for my love to me and I look forward to. Later he told me that I was in the first few minutes everything was said twice. The first words were probably ". We're happy you're here," followed by "I have my underwear on?". After just a few minutes I'm completely back there. I'm fine. I have absolutely no pain, but I know that the later can still run. "Seems to have gone well." I think when my doc walked inside to the final rounds.

"Just look up, I've found ten beautiful eggs." He is proud of himself and shows us the puncture protocol. In addition, in a nutshell is: "Cum man. OK In order for the fertility clinic all requirements are met in order to deal over the weekend with our reproduction. All are happy and at 11 clock we left the hospital. Actually I had planned for the day nothing, but after me so well, we decide to spontaneously for easy food shopping program. All day I remain almost painless. The fully reconciled me with my Doc, who seems to know what he's doing. At night I look bet with me that the first-voltage transmission after the serious accident and maintained easily go to bed. That was a good day in the children's desire madness.



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