Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Male Brazilian Wax St Louis Mo

The last attempt

The title may sound dramatic. I had the article also" may be called the third attempt " . At the same time this damn but again the last attempt to assume the insurance company. And is dramatically! Of course there is the possibility after a treatment to be paid completely private and may be driving to Austria. In Austria there is a well- true ICSI-tourism, because there the laws on artificial fertilization somewhat looser. There can be (select) in the embryos out looking for the best, longer cultivate and then use only. This increases the chances of success at ...

Stop! I just try to think about what I could do, if this attempt does not work? What's that for attitude? What a negative karma? I once read somewhere that the body follows the brain and its thoughts. When I think: "I would actually eat fewer sweets." Then my brain just goes "should" and "actually" and that is as binding, that my brain stores the thought as if he had nothing to do with me. But if I say: "I will eat from now on no more candy." then it is so clearly and specifically that my brain can do anything with it.

So. I have to concentrate. What do I want? What do I tell my brain and my body so?

So now I've got it: "This works out it!"

better already!

Today is the second cycle. Yesterday, my bleeding has started. I was five days overdue and was hoping for a miracle. The last month was a stranger hormone-free. We had just the right time, try again in a natural way. Even twice! Than the rule then failed to actually two days, I was excited and took a pregnancy test. As ever in my life, showed the dipstick again this time "not pregnant" on. However, for the first time on a digital display! Toll? In the directions as I know by heart, that you should just make two or three days later, again a test. On the morning of the fifth day, so yesterday when I had already put a new pregnancy test, then put it one the bleeding. Serenity and experienced then I made an appointment at the fertility clinic for the first ultrasound.

I got an appointment for the next day at 18:30 clock in the evening. An unusual time, because otherwise I'm going out every morning before work. When my husband the time heard of the appointment, he said spontaneously: "Shall I come?" "Yeah, you!" I answered him and was happy about the fact that he had made the proposal.

So I found myself so today - down around naked - at the gynecologist's chair again, with two men I trust space. One felt emailed back with the ultrasound wand my ovaries. The other sticking with his eyes fascinated by the black-and-white television images of my Gebärapparats. My doctor was nice for everything in order. The left ovary could be seen clearly that there were waiting a few follicles in a stimulating hormone in any of the two ovarian cysts were seen and the endometrium had mined "beautiful." So he gave me a prescription hormone in the hand and my treatment plan and all of a sudden I was back in the midst of an ICSI treatment ...

As we left the treatment room, my Sweet said only: "Next time I look but down there again after the rights!" and had the facial expression of a tennis player, the referee had just taken the ball short.



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