Thursday, February 10, 2011

Will There Be More Snow In Seattle

Three is one too many

Drillinge This is the unequivocal message of the brochures that I receive from the lady in the billing provider. Two children may still fit into my stomach. But for three, he is not made. For triplets, the probability is high that no or not all babies survive, or come so early to the world that they have permanent damage from it. This is hard. A disabled child imagines no one who is sitting here in the fertility clinic. We all dream of a healthy child. Such a one as the baby-photo-collages that adorn every square centimeter free wall of the clinic. As We started with the first IVF treatment, I made the baby pictures courage. I thought, "Hey, can this really!" Meanwhile, I think to myself: "The real picture of babies has brought my doc states are, or are the pictures stolen and if the images are not stolen, why it works on so many other couples and not us?" I've even been caught trying to check whether a baby face somewhere depends twice.

The following pages describe the documents the lives of three young children after birth. Even if all children are born healthy to world, ie the maintenance of pure stress. There are three children to wrap to feed three children , pull three children. Not to mention that sleep three children is certainly not all at the same time. This constant load and the corresponding lack of sleep, both parents go soon on the gums. The probability that the relationship not survive is great.

"And now sign here please," says the lady who takes care of the paperwork and keeps me 'taking note of the risk of multiple pregnancy "below the nose. I wonder why a white coat actually has to. But it's certainly not a doctor and office clerk. "I must be back again discuss with my husband, "I return and I am glad found a reason to have to be able to delay the final decision on the number of transferable embryos something else." OK, but no later than the puncture, you must bring these documents signed. "

When I come out of the office, offers me a funny picture. My sister, who was waiting for me, sitting on a red massage chair in the just the program "Full Body Relief" ruthlessly carried out. She giggles along the entire waiting room, because it is terribly ticklish. Two other couples with advanced fertility is broadcast on the show and can not help but laugh as with. For a brief moment, all worries are forgotten. "Six smiling faces of the waiting room certainly has not seen", I think, help my sister from the clutches of the red octopus and leave with it the fertility clinic. "We're happy you are to come along." I say to her and put my arm around her.



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