Friday, February 11, 2011

Samples Of Disconnection Letter

The fertility clinic, your friend and helper

Drillingschwangerschaft Today is Saturday, the eleventh day of the cycle. It's 8:55 clock, I sit still during a morning café latte on the couch while running the last minutes of the morning magazine in the ARD television. A great start to the day. In general, it is a good morning. The burden of decision on the number of embryos transferred has fallen from me. Last night my husband and I have decided for us the insertion of three embryos. A difficult decision that we should not make lightly. If the doctor thinks that you can take that risk in our specific case, then the probability a multiple pregnancy at home with us really low. But we recognize that this can happen with all its consequences still can. "One of the three pretty ones will make it safe," I think when news and weather forecast. The phone rings.

"Unknown subscriber", informed me of the high-resolution screen of my Android smartphones. "It's the fertility clinic is," I think, and cringe. A call with a withheld phone number with me has the same effect as catching sight of a police car. Both deliver mostly bad news. "Franka Fruity," I sign courageous. "Fruity Hello woman, here is the fertility clinic. I just wanted to say, that your blood levels are okay. "beeps the cheerful voice of the CHP nurse on the other side of the line." Toll. "I say and did not know that something might be wrong. Later on I learned from my doctor that shortly before the puncture again measured the progesterone and estrogen in the blood. This shows the doctor if eg the time of puncture was well chosen. "So, until tomorrow."
"Jahaa until tomorrow." I sing into the phone I would have won a prize, which I can pick up tomorrow.

rings five minutes later the phone again. And again, the caller is unknown. "Well," I think, "my blood is still not right?"
"Hello Ms. Fruity, here is the fertility clinic. My name is Mrs. Doctor deep sleep and I am tomorrow, your anesthesiologist. Can you speak freely, or should I ask the questions so that you only 'yes' or 'No' to answer ?
"Wow", it is bursting out of me, "this is the first time that someone ask me that. I think that's very kind of you. Thank you. I'm home and can speak freely."
the questionnaire that is then, I already know from last time , except for one question:
"Do you know how many eggs are around?" sputters lovingly from the line.
"Yes, there are only ten follicles this time," I answered and my voice sounds like the first time this morning sad.
"This is good after all." she replies. "The quantity does not say anything about the quality."
"In the last two times but there were more." I reply defiantly like a little child.
"But it did not work anyway, right? Believe me, sometimes less is more." Inwardly, I smile
. The 38-year-old child Franka has granted you courage and it worked.
"Well, see you tomorrow." she says to a conclusion.
"Yes, until tomorrow." I also join the conversation and look forward to my absurdly puncture. "The Fertility Clinic, Your friend and helper!" I still think and smile again.



rico said...

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