Friday, October 29, 2010

Birthday Cake Template Motorbike

The result

The twenty-ninth day of the cycle * clock begins at five in the morning because I wake in the night troubled by a dream on. I usually sleep through. That makes me realize how much I really the whole thing with it. I must have dreamed of a negative result.

sit at eight clock in the morning I turn in the waiting room of the fertility clinic. I have stopped me to look at the other patients, but usually throw myself directly to the gala. When one morning early enough to draw blood goes, you get the result on the same day. When my turn came, the nice assistant asks, "You are today the pregnancy test, right?" and gives me a promising smile. "Yes, exactly." I give back a little hesitant. The blood sample has already become routine. I give my phone number still fast from under which I can be reached if the outcome is and go to work for now.

In the next two hours I answer my emails. It is the last quiet hours that day. About twelve clock I get nervous because the call from the fertility clinic may now come at any moment. I hope I do not sit in a meeting or a colleague myself involved in a conversation when my phone rings. For two hours I stare at my phone and expect that it will show 'Stranger Calls' on the display. Nothing. Now I must, on a date. I leave my phone just lay on the desk and walk off. If I am called, I see that finally after and can then call back easily. When I look for the appointment on my phone, it still has no 'missed call' register. At four clock I decide, even in the fertility clinic to call.

I am looking for a quiet office and select the number of the fertility clinic.
"fertility clinic. What can I do for you?"
"Hello, my name is Frank Fruity. I was this morning's blood test for pregnancy test and wanted to ask whether you have the results?". I realize that I am totally short of breath. I take a deep breath.
"One moment please, I look for a moment. What is your date of birth?"
"First January 1972. "I say short. It cracks in the pipe. The lady of the fertility clinic I was probably set to silent. Then it is back.
" So, I checked. The test result is unfortunately negative. "
I say nothing.
" I'm sorry, Mrs Fruity. "
My brain seems to be empty. My heart is pounding. When I could lose but still a" elicit positive, "or as if the lady to help me with the situation work around, I ask them: "And what do I do now"
"Have you still frozen embryos?"
"Yes," I say
"Then you set. contact now taking antibiotics. If your blood begins to make Just a date for the ultrasound. Maybe you can do it the same in the next cycle to try again. "The lady is very quiet and sensitive, but I hate them right now.
I bring forth only a cough.
The Lady of the fertility clinic goodbye politely puts on and keep your job. I hang up and a world collapses.

It * I'm sorry, I missed in the calculation of days. The blood test was actually on the 30th day of the cycle . It is usually made two weeks after the transfer.


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