Friday, October 22, 2010

Met Art Milena D Different Names

characters or fantasy? The Business

on day ten p.m. I remember the first time to realize that stretch my breasts. This is unüberfühlbar ! Even otherwise I could burst, not only the breasts but also on the belly. Exposure of the medication? I realize that the hormones play for, that I'm taking myself that I'm already pregnant. But it would the breasts stretch? The fertility and pregnancy forums have become my daily companion and I enjoy browsing for contributions to breast, clamping and early pregnancy. My search ends with the following result: There are enough explanations for this that I am pregnant and also enough about it. The desire of my heart for a positive response every time is abruptly dismissed from my brain, because it might reach the conclusion that only the blood test is the twenty-ninth day of the cycle provide a clear result. Until the blood test we have seven days. Seven days!

Because I must distract myself somehow, I visit my sister tonight. Since we both hunger, I suggest that you get a delicious Turkish pizza at the fast food we trust. In brief, I wonder if this is the right food for pregnant women, and come to the conclusion that a Turkish pizza contains enough fiber and many vitamins. Once in the Imbisbude, I give until my order and then have enough time to look around. In addition to the salad bar sits a woman with a stroller and feeding her infant with kebab ingredients. "The little one is all! Kebabs, Turkish pizza, even tzatziki." Tells me the man who prepared my food. "Aha!" I think "go together well." The man, who ordered before me his two chicken kebabs, says, "My are one and three years old and they love your kebabs." Both men laugh and then it comes sly for me: "And you have, and children" I asked the man behind the counter. Now all eyes are on me.

I hate this situation and it is far too often in my life. What I'm saying? "No, I'm (still) no children." This gives you always seem to suspicious look, and people think: "Aha, selfish Karriereweib the wishes to achieve at ease themselves..", Or something simpler: "Well, girls, remember, your clock is ticking," or "The may have not gotten, want to hear it due to her or him "Uahhhh

Since none of the truth: something is wrong with it." Perhaps, however, are fellow sufferers with advanced fertility among Imbisbudenbesuchern and they think "? I say finally, "It's just a baby on the way!" and add one plagued with a smile, "I do not know yet whether it is a girl or a boy." At that moment I decide never to go in this fast-food restaurant.

When my Turkish pizzas are ready and I will just flee through the door into the open, I notice a small pull in my lower abdomen. I think briefly held, forget everything around me and wonder to myself: "My dear little ones, are you still there?"

(Continued )


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